July 23

Why Dental Checkups & Cleanings Are So Important


Dental care is often one of the most overlooked aspects of physical health.  It seems to be a low-priority for many people when it comes to their health. They give highrer priority to other areas of their bodies than being pro-active with dental health. 

Oral hygiene and cleaning is something that needs to be talked about more. Your teeth need care not only because they give you a lovely smile but also because they are linked to your overall health.

If you want to know the importance of oral health or how to take better care of your pearly whites, then you’ve come to the right place!

Why Oral Hygiene and Teeth Cleaning Are Important

If you did not already know, you should know that April is Oral Health Month. You might be wondering what is so great about dental health that an entire month is dedicated to it. The answer to that is simple.

Because good dental health is connected to longer life expectancy, feeling better overall, as well as having more confidence.  Oral health problems impact about 3.5 billion individuals globally.  Continue reading to learn more reasons that it’s critical to maintain your dental health.

Disease Risk Reduction

Your mouth is the gateway to your system’s interior organs. It can also be used to diagnose early indications of systemic disorders. Systemic disorders, like diabetes, may manifest as an oral lesion or some other dental issues, like gum infection.

According to Harvard University research, persons with periodontitis are more likely to develop heart disease. Periodontal disease, as per this study, raises the body's inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation can damage numerous regions of the system, including the arteries.

This shows that the repercussions of poor dental hygiene can go well beyond gingivitis. However, we do not normally consider our gums or teeth when discussing our overall health, but it is time we start doing that.

Endocarditis, heart disease, and stroke can all be reduced by maintaining good dental health. According to research, those who suffer from gum disease or gingivitis are "2 to 3 times more likely to suffer a cardiac arrest stroke or other major cardiovascular problems." Aside from heart disease and diabetes, poor dental hygiene can lead to Infective endocarditis, bacterial pneumonia, low birth weight, pregnancy complications, and sepsis. 

Keeping your mouth clean can help you avoid health concerns. It is also a good idea to get regular dental examinations every 6 months to maintain optimum dental hygiene and cleanliness.

Cancer Risk Reduction

Cancer is yet another concern connected to dental health. Periodontitis, a kind of gum disease, has been linked to the development of pancreatic cancer, according to research. Periodontitis causes damage to the tissue surrounding your teeth.

Moreover, the bacterium that triggers it can become very harmful. Another study discovered that persons with poor oral hygiene were likely to contract a dental virus that triggers human papillomavirus (HPV), which can result in cancer.

Why Dental Checkups and Cleanings Are so Important Dr Dennis Mexico

Prevents Bad Breath

No one enjoys having foul breath. You may always chew gum or eat mints to mask the odor. However, the best method to prevent it is to practice proper dental health. When you forgo flossing or brushing after eating, small bits of food become trapped in your teeth and produce odors.

Flossing is not necessary only after you are eating. If you do not floss, a sticky layer of germs (plaque) forms on your gums and teeth, which can produce odors. This buildup also hurts your gums and leads to cavities.

Hence, if you do not want to end up having bad breath that everyone gets repulsed by, it is important that you start paying heed to cleaning your teeth properly.

Prevents Future Expenses

Regular inspections and cleanings may appear to be an unnecessary investment, yet failing to do so might result in costly treatments. For instance, if a cavity is allowed to expand untreated, it might lead to the need for an expensive root canal. It is always smart to look after prevention rather than treatment.

If the situation worsens, dental treatments can become expensive, which is something you surely don’t want to experience unless needed. Hence, it is best to start thinking about how you can take care of your teeth from now on before you have to shell out a big part of your salary trying to save your pearly whites.

Gives You Self-assurance

People are drawn to your smile right away. It can be heartbreaking to experience tooth decay, breakage, or discoloration. Aside from the physiological health advantages of maintaining a clean mouth, our oral health is linked to our self-image and how we engage with others. Over time, an untreated dental condition may become visually obvious.

Dental decay and bleeding gums can lead to discoloration and loss of teeth. Such aesthetic problems can turn out to be a big blow to your self-esteem, lower your confidence, and make you question your appearance. Nobody deserves to be plagued with such thoughts.

You can increase your confidence as well as general well-being by preserving good dental health. Schedule regular teeth cleaning sessions, if needed. This will ensure that you always sport a lovely smile and never worry about whether your teeth look bad.

5 Tips to Maintain Better Dental Hygiene

Contrary to popular belief, there’s more to taking care of your teeth than simply brushing them once or twice a day. It is the gateway to the rest of your body. You use your mouth to consume all kinds of foods all day long. If the entry point of your mouth is unhealthy, what do you think would be the condition of the rest of your organs? Despite much discourse on it, oral hygiene comes down to one important fact - the implementation of healthy brushing and eating habits that help your teeth live a longer life.

We have compiled together a list of the five most important tips you should keep in mind when taking care of your teeth.

  1. Brushing Properly

You might already know that you should brush your teeth every day. However, how many times should you do it? And, how to do it correctly? You must brush your teeth at least two times a day. Brushing is the most fundamental aspect of keeping your teeth clean, but if not done properly it can be quite harmful.

It is important that you know how to brush properly. Use circular strokes and make sure to clean out every section of your teeth. Try to get the back and top, along with the edges, and do not use aggressive motions. This will take around three minutes. Tooth enamel as well as gums can be damaged by brushing too forcefully or with a firm-bristled toothbrush. This can cause dental discomfort and lead to other dental problems.

     2. Choose the Right Toothbrush

Choosing the right toothbrush completes half of the equation. You certainly don’t want a toothbrush that will do you more harm than good. The market for toothbrushes has certainly expanded and you have the option to choose from a wide range, including electronic and manual brushes.

However, the more options you have, the more confusing it can be to choose the right one. Choose a soft-bristled brush as it is not harsh on your enamel and does not contribute to issues like receding gums.

Moreover, you must change your brush frequently. Do not use it for more than three months. Otherwise, it can lead to germ buildup on the bristles. If you are not sure about what kind of toothbrush is ideal for you, make sure to inquire about it the next time you visit your dentist.

       3. Floss Often

The days of lying to your dentist about flossing are long gone. Flossing is incredibly crucial for your oral hygiene. This minor procedure happens to be the only method to eliminate food that becomes lodged in between each of your teeth before it becomes plaque.

Flossing once every day, before sleeping or after every meal, assists in maintaining your gums and prevents the formation of cavities. You could have gingivitis or unhealthy gums if you notice bleeding during flossing. However, there is no need to fret because bleeding gums usually disappear with time if you keep up your habit of flossing and brush properly every day.

However, in case you already have problems with your teeth, it is best to consult your dentist first about what methods you can use to keep your mouth healthy. Flossing, as great as it is, can be a bit harsh for those with sensitive gums.

A water pick is an excellent choice for simpler flossing for individuals who have dental procedures or delicate or swollen gums. A water pick removes residual bits of food by securely blasting a jet of water straight onto your gums and teeth.

    4. Regular Dental Checkup and         Cleaning

Many people only see dentists when something is not right, yet x-rays as well as frequent cleanings are important aspects of your oral health care regimen. Preventive treatment can help detect small problems before they manifest into major ones.

Not just that, it also aids in the development of a pleasant and reliable dentist and patient connection. The more comfortable you are with your dentist, the simpler it'll be to communicate your concerns and fears, making your visit more pleasurable.

Many people associate visiting the dentist with a terrible experience. For a lot of people, dental hygiene can be a source of shame. They find it embarrassing to visit dentists since your mouth can be an intimate region.

Yet your dentist, like your general practitioner, can help you stay healthy. If you are experiencing discomfort with your teeth, do not be hesitant to open up so that your doctor can evaluate the region and take appropriate action. Never be scared to inquire about other treatment options.

5. Keep in Mind What You Consume

If you want to improve your dental hygiene, you should also start considering what you eat. Reduce your sugar consumption since it can cause cavities. Moreover, many packaged items contain sugar, which can deteriorate your oral health. In terms of calories, the amount of sugar you consume should not exceed more than 10%. 

Apart from sugar, you should also consider reducing items rich in starch in your diet, such as pasta and bread. This does not mean that you have to completely restrict yourself but try to consume these items in moderation.

According to the American Dental Association, these meals stay in your mouth and disintegrate into simple sugars, which then acid-generating bacteria feed on. This acid has the potential to induce tooth decay.

Sugar-sweetened drinks are the most common source of processed sugar in the ordinary American diet. Drinking soda, juices, or other sweet beverages might increase your chances of getting cavities. The American Diabetes Association recommends drinking lots of water or plain tea during the day and consuming sugar-sweetened beverages only during dinner time and in modest amounts.

Why Dental Checkups and Cleanings Are so Important Dr Dennis Mexico

Final Thoughts

We hope you see how important your oral health is; the same as you devote time to taking care of your body and skin, it is also necessary that you do the same for your teeth.

 Your daily routines are critical to your oral health; brushing and flossing regularly does not mean that you can skip dental checkups and cleanings.

At the very least, you should visit your dentist two times a year for routine maintenance and exams.  A dentist doesn’t only clean plaque and check for cavities, they also identify problems you don’t feel or see and treat them before they become painful or costly.  Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for living a happy, healthy life.

When you take control of your preventative dental care you have peace of mind.  The same as any medical treatment; you’ll save time, worry and expense when you start giving more thought to you oral health.


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